Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The beauty of Learning

Posted by NaijaGeisha on 9:25 AM with No comments
The quarter life crisis has really taken its toll on me these past months. 

A year after college, I've had the need to move unto more challenging phases. Career, Social life, Love life and personal development. This phase has been very difficult. But i'm glad it's happening now as I have a lot of learning to do which in turn would make me a better person.
And so while i face this phase, here are the things I have learned or learning to do.

  • I am  learning to pick and fight my battles wisely : I am learning how to focus more on things that are important to me and let go of those that are not. I am learning how to ignore silly things that used to make me mad before. This has made me realize there are more important wars/battles to fight rather than focusing my energy on less important things. Choosing my  battles that I can win today doesn't mean I will be successful in fighting everything, only that I can pick them and that just maybe there won't be much harm in losing a few.
  • I am learning to be patient: This is so difficult especially when dealing with other people. I'm learning how to be patient, how to understand that people are different and accept that these things are beyond my control. Rome wasn't built in a day. I have to be realistic about certain things. I'm learning to understand why people do things that may become annoying to me. Things like not picking up calls when I call, or replying my texts or chats on time. I'm learning how not to jump into conclusions or finding faults immediately without listening to their part. This has been really hard, but i'm getting there.
  • I am learning to put myself in other people's shoes: I used to think there was a rule that lets you get treated the same way you treat people. Only if this was so easy. I expect so much from people because I would always go out of my way to do things and expect people to do these things to me also.I am learning that not everything revolves around me. People have lives outside of being friends with me and all that.
  • I am learning to be less paranoid: I am learning to be less anxious or worried or think wrongly of situations, people etc. 
  • I am learning how to give people space: This is very hard based on my childhood. I'm a spoiled brat and always got attention and what I wanted. These days as an adult, I'm learning people's lives don't revolve around me and sometimes I need to give them space to spend time on more important things.
  • I am learning to control my anger: Thank God for HIM, i've been able to control my anger.
  • I am learning how to appreciate the supreme being up there: Enough Said
  • I am learning to obey God more and do his will: This is hard but i'm getting there.

Having HIM in my life has been really helpful in being a better me. I'm so grateful for having someone who can call me out on my BS anytime.. <3


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